
Welcome to the Lafont blog, your source of information on work clothing. Discover expert advice, trends, and innovations that meet the demands of your business. Good reading !

  • Personnalisation de vêtement professionnel - Broderie

    Personalization of professional clothing with embroidery

    A personalized professional image Personalization of professional clothing with embroidery is essential to strengthen company branding and recognition. Lafont offers high-quality embroidery services, combining elegance and durability, for various sectors....

  • L'héritage du bleu de travail

    The legacy of overalls

    Generations of journeymen and artisans have worn Lafont's blue Moleskine jacket Lafont claims authorship of the indigo blue moleskine cotton jacket, designed to be washed and last indefinitely. This basic...

  • Pourquoi porter un vêtement de travail ?

    Why wear work clothes?

    In France, many sectors of activity are subject to regulations concerning the wearing of work clothing. Construction, industry, health, catering... Several million people would be affected by wearing clothing appropriate...

  • La salopette : Un vêtement de travail

    Overalls: Work clothing

    In the big family of work clothing, I ask for overalls. And yes, if it is today an element of our daily wardrobe, overalls are above all clothing designed and...